This time, though, I'm going to break that rule.

I can't tell you how proud I am of her. I mean, I know it's just high school, but this is also the first of their family to graduate.
I'm also incredibly sad that my mother isn't here to see this. She had always been Erica's biggest fan. Mom and Erica had a really special bond - unbreakable. They understood each other. It was like they were best friends. My mother would have been the loudest to cheer for Erica, and do that loud, high-pierced whistling thing Erica hated so much, as she walked across the stage. Mom would be videoing (and crying and shaking and cheering and messing the video up), while I took pictures. And, she'd be squalling, just like she did when I graduated.
Yeah, this is part where I start reminiscing, so go make a sammich...
I remember when Erica was really little, Mom would say, "Erica, would you go get me two Rolaids?," and Erica would get a stool, go in the medicine closet, find the Rolaids, open it up and get two out, and bring them to her. I know most people would freak out if they read this - "oh my God, you let a CHILD get you medicine????"
It's not like that. She LOVED it. It made her feel big. And she loved her Aunt Debby and would have done anything to "take care" of her!
She was a marvelous, peculiar (as in the incredible way) child. I remember sitting right outside the airport (back before they pulled you over and took you to jail in handcuffs for circling the airport more than once), waiting to pick up either Bob or Greg, who had flown in. She was about three at the time. I had a pack of cards, and she wanted me to teach her how to play a game. So, I taught her how to play Crazy Eights & War. Like some baby brilliance, she picked it up right away. It always tripped me out that she was three and could grasp the concept of both games. It still does.
She's always been brilliant. ALWAYS. Her whole life. She got lazy/boy crazy in high school, but who doesn't? I remember my best friend actually handing me her Algebra 2 test when I was a Junior, so I could copy it, because I just hated math and was too lazy to try anymore - psh, I was a JUNIOR.
Oh, and um, by the way, it's bad to cheat.
So, don't do drugs.

She won several beauty pageants, and I remember after one, where they only gave her a trophy, she told my mom, "Aunt Debby, they forda-got my crown!"
Erica's a really special and blessed child. She came from a complete tragedy that we thought we'd never get past. Amy was about seven or eight months pregnant when her husband, Eric (after whom she's named, obviously), Erica's biological daddy, passed away, but we'll cover that another time.
I hate that she never got to meet him. He was an incredible man. He was exceedingly hardworking - working at the plant, working at home, helping his parents on their farm. He looked like Phil Collins - only better looking. He had a band called Freedom Jam, and he was a wonderful, soulful musician. He was a DEVOUT Christian, as was the rest of his family. He was hilarious. &=) Just thinking about him makes me smile. &=) He loved games of any kind - video games, board games... He just loved being around family. He was that kind of person who literally could drastically change the lives of people he knew or met, even briefly. This man had no enemies.
He was just a good guy, but that's such a substandard, mediocre description to use. It was a terrible blow to his family, and ours, to lose him. We all grieved about it for a long, long time. Even now, it's hard to think back....
Erica's expressed several times how she regrets that she never got to meet him. I never met my dad, and I think Kate never met hers either. It's part of our "family curse" that we always talk about, but that's another blog.
Ok, on to BSC!!!!

She called me last week, to get my address for her graduation invitation (and beautiful senior photo!), and we were chatting about the upcoming event. I told her, "I hope you're not as nervous as I was, walking across that stage. I was standing in the field thinking, 'Oh, God. They're kicking me out. I'm an adult....How did this happen?? I....can't do this!!! I don't know what to do!!!!!!!!'"
She said, "I know. That's exactly what I keep thinking. 'I can't leave. I can't do this on my own.'"
I told her not to worry, because I would be right down the road, and I could be there or help her with anything in the universe.
She said, "You'd better be expecting a LOT of phonecalls, because you're the closest! I don't know how I'm going to do this, because I'm still just a baby!"
I said, "You're not a baby. You're a beautiful and intelligent young lady, and you're going to do fine. We're all going to be with you, every step of the way. I remember going through the same thing 13 YEARS AGO! And all of you were always there for me when I needed you. You still are! There's no way we'd let you flounder!"

Birmingham-Southern is the only institution of higher education in Alabama to receive an “A” for safety preparedness, and is ranked No. 9 in the nation in terms of safety readiness, making it the highest ranked national liberal arts college in America.
For here, in the middle of Birmingham, safety is my primary concern - for myself and for her (for everyone else, obviously). I don't want to worry about her walking at night (we've all done it), someone breaking into her dorm, some freak getting a hold of her. God, that's something that would set me on a killing spree. 
Women’s Soccer adds four more commitments for 2008 4.2.2008 | WSOC BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – The Birmingham-Southern women’s soccer program has received commitments from four more players, head coach Benji Walton announced today. Lauren Cage, Erica Ogle, Alicia Plotky, and Jillian Thiebert have completed their intent to enroll and play for BSC in the 2008 season.
And, YES, I'm going to try to go to as many games as I possibly can. Still working on the car business...
Here are their statistics for last year's games:
So, she's got a lot of good things ahead of her. I envy her, in every possible way. She's very lucky, and I know that she's off to do great things. She's so beautiful, entertaining, intelligent and talented in just about every way possible!!

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